What is positivism?

Positivism is how phenomena can be exactly determined and incorporated within natural law. Positivism is generally accepted, as it uses quantitative research and logic as the basis of enquiry and thus carries a great degree of confidence in its validity.

So, positivism is a way of understanding the exact situations and circumstances for life based on science and logic; where research relies on fact not faith, or self-opinion. As such, this logical foundation of information based on fact, establishes robust knowledge and trustworthy approaches.

Stephen Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA
(8th Jan 1942 – 14th Mar 2018)

Stephen Hawking was a recent high-profile advocate of positivism in the physical sciences. In The Universe in a Nutshell (p. 31) he wrote:

"Any sound scientific theory, whether of time or of any other concept, should in my opinion be based on the most workable philosophy of science: the positivist approach put forward by Karl Popper and others."

The use of positivism within Life Management Assessment, Life Management Training and the Conscious State Model (CSM) measures and confirms the levels of adaptive rationality which underpin well-being. The techniques used within the Institute of Life have received rigorous testing and have passed scientific scrutiny at a UK University.
